Monday, 29 September 2014

How to find and fix Bash Shell-shock vulnerability CVE-2014-6271 in unix like system

In the world wide hurly-burly of personal network system and server security risk of these days due to Bash Shell-shock vulnerability CVE-2014-6271, so what should we do i suggest ...

Keep Calm And Patch

so lets begin to check if you system is vulnerability to bash shell-shock vulnerability  

type command - env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c 'echo hello'
in your terminal.

if your system is vulnerable then above command will return output like above
vulnerable hello

all the Debian /Ubuntu user to patch it kindly update your bash to latest version
run bash --version command to know your currently installed version
run- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install –only-upgrade bash
if your system is alread updated then just simply upgrade your bash version by running this command 
sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade bash

again check your bash version after upgrading your bash version my previous version was version 3.2

update the bash using yum on all RedHat/CentOS 

run- yum update bash

On RedHat 6 (and CentOS 6), I had the following bash version before the fix:

run- # rpm -qa | grep bash
now again check your system if vulnerable or not by using this command 
run- cd /tmp; rm -f /tmp/echo; env 'x=() { (a)=>\' bash -c "echo date"; cat /tmp/echo

if you are not vulnerable then out put will be like

no content will be displayed and if it is still vulnerable then it will show content of file like 

bash: x: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `=' 
bash: x: line 1: `' bash: error importing function definition for `x' 
Fri Sep 26 16:15:09 PDT 2014
if you have more than one server to update use this script to do all at once

# This script will log into each of your servers and execute the command below

# Put your list of servers here
for server in ${servers[@]}
# Here's the command you're going to run on each
ssh $server 'yum -y update bash'

Tails Linux most secure and anonymous operating system ever

Tails Linux most secure and anonymous operating system ever.


Tails is a live operating system that aims to protect your privacy and anonymity completely. It has been developed to helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere in world you go and on any computer you use but leaving no trace unless you ask it to explicitly.

It is a complete operating system designed to be used from a CD, DVD, USB stick/thumb drive, or SD card independently of the computer's pre-installed operating system. It is Free Software and based on Debian GNU/Linux.

This OS is opensource so you can even download its source code and customize according to your need and because its opensource so its a free software, 

this is OS which is being used by many Anonymous group and people all around the globe- specifically #NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden used for his emails and other online work.

as Developer explains

Tails also comes with a selection of tools to protect your data using strong encryption:

direct download link s here-

just download the iso image file and write it on any external removable storage like usb drive using #UNetbootin program and you are good to go--

Monday, 22 September 2014

7 Extra Things VLC Can Do!

7 Extra Things VLC Can Do!

VLC media player is one of the most popular opensource player
for most people.It has got almost all codecs in it. VLC can
do a lot of other things beyond your imagination.
Find out how many of these listed below you knew,
and how many you did not.
Lets find out---

1. Rip DVDs:

VLC includes a basic DVD ripper. You probably would
never use it when there are better DVD rippers
available, but it helps to know that you can in fact,
get a decent quality DVD rip with VLC. To rip a movie
follow these steps: Go to the Media menu and choose
Convert–>Save. Click on the Disc tab. Here you can adjust the Starting Position and rip only
specific titles or chapters.
Enter file name making sure to end with .MPG, and
start ripping.
Click Save.

2. Record videos:

With the new VLC, you can record videos during
playback. The record button is hidden by default. To
see it, click on View–>Advanced Control. The record
button will now appear. Clicking on the button while
playing a movie or video will start recording. Clicking
again will stop recording.

3. Play RAR files:

Do you know VLC can play videos zipped inside RAR
files? They play like normal video files and you can
even use the seek bar. If the RAR file is split into
several files, no problem. Just load the first part
(.part001.rar ) and it will automatically take the rest
of the parts and play the whole file.

4. Play in ASCII mode:

VLC media player has an amusing ability, to playback
movies in ASCII art. To enable ASCII mode, open VLC
media player and click on Tools –>Preferences. Open
the section “Video” section and under “Output”
select “Color ASCII art video output” from the drop
down menu. Save it. Now play any video file to enjoy the ASCII art.

5. Listen to online radio:

VLC includes hundreds of Shoutcast radio stations.
You just need to enable it through Media –>Services
Discovery –> Shoutcast radio listings. Now, open the
Playlist and browse through the stations.

6. Convert Audio and Video formats:

In VLC you can convert video and audio files from
one format to another. Several different formats are
supported like MP4, WMV, AVI, OGG, MP3 FLVetc. To
access the converter:
* Go to Media –>Convert/Save.
* Load the file you want to convert using the Add button and click Convert.
* Now choose the output format and output file

7. Download YouTube and other online videos:

First grab the URL of the YouTube video page. Now
click on Media –>Open Network stream. Paste the URL
and click Play.
Once VLC starts streaming the video, click Tools –
>Codec Information and at the bottom of the
window you will see a Location box. Copy the URL and paste it on your browser’s address bar. The
browser will now download the file which you can
save it to your hard disk. Alternatively, you can
record the video.

Installing TrueCrypt in Linux

Installing TrueCrypt in Linux

Lets begin our installation process of TrueCrypt one of the most trusted open source encryption tool for several platforms

first you have to download the source file from truecrypt official site

then compile it after extracking using above tar command in terminal.

then use $make;make install commands to finish the installation.

Another way of doing this is
type following command in terminal

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:michael-astrapi/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install truecrypt
And to remove it:

sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:michael-astrapi/ppa

Although if you visit the official site of true crypt now it will show you a warning that its not secure anymore due to some security issues but if u are not facing any active security threads its good to go.

but if you guys want to go a step ahead then you have many alternative options of truecrypt
as fallows
Gnu PG -
AES Crypt -

Proper way to install nvidia 390 fix error

Proper way to install nvidia 390 if you see any error in the process look below; command  sudo apt purge --autoremove '*nvidia*...