Saturday, 8 November 2014

Linux Command Line Cheatsheet

Linux Command Line Cheat-sheet

Linux command line is very usefull interface to work on linux but people often forgets the commands so...
if you keep forgetting linux basic commmands then this is what you do download this cheatsheet also know as Linux command memento
and print it on your bed sheet, chart paper(A3), or you can make it your Desktop background

what you don't like this !
okay want it in dark background go here --link
and here too ..
or you can download it in a pdf or word format go here-- link

share it please

let spread our moto of opensource

love peace Linux

Proper way to install nvidia 390 fix error

Proper way to install nvidia 390 if you see any error in the process look below; command  sudo apt purge --autoremove '*nvidia*...